Sunday, April 17, 2011

5 years

Our 5th anniversary is coming up, and I managed to snag us a lovely room at a little B&B in Eureka Springs for the event. It's not a huge vacation, but it's a weekend away, and will give me the chance to re-charge and re-connect before classes begin this summer for me.

By the way, I have 4 classes this summer. Only one of them is in June. Gulp. The June class is about Bach cantatas. I can't exactly say I'm chomping at the bit for that one...but, evidently having a Master's is supposed to do something for my career, so I have to go.

I think I'm going to wear sneakers at the hooding. Seriously. Maybe sparkly ones, then they could maybe be called "formal attire." I know that me walking in the ceremony means something to someone, I'm just not sure that person is me. I get that it's a big deal, I'm the only person in my immediate family with a Master's (I don't know if anyone in my family has one) but I don't feel like I've accomplished anything that impressive. Plus, when I walk, I'll still have 12 hours plus comprehensive exams, so I'm far from finished; it's simply a formality. I feel like maybe part of the reason why I'm not excited about commencement is that I'm not "done," and that feeling is kind of being robbed from me by having to walk prematurely. I don't know, I think I'm just nuts.

My hip has been feeling a little better lately. I know the warmer weather has helped. Driving long distances for various school events has not! I think I can walk pretty reasonable distances now, so I'm looking at 5K walks and things to participate in as a goal, since I probably won't get to run any races this year, at least, not this summer, as I'll be pretty busy. I might be updating that goal to reflect my choice.

I also have a few other observations: I can no longer enjoy soda. Coke especially. It makes me feel really icky (technical term) and like I need to throw up. Other sodas just taste too sweet. And they all upset my stomach! I guess it's my body's way of saying, hey, there's too much sugar in there for you! Today I was enjoying an Arnold Palmer--1/2 unsweet iced tea, 1/2 lemonade. I think mine had a little more on the tea side of things, but it was refreshing and much lower in sugar than soda or Kool-Aid (H's current new favorite drink. I think he's 7 today). However, I have to be careful of these, too, as the caffeine in the tea bothers me, too! I guess this is what it means to get older: giving up the things you like because your body can't handle them anymore.

Like late nights of heavy drinking.

That's the update. I can't say my dietary habits have been stellar. However, I'm making a conscious effort to eat more veggies and to leave the sweets at work alone. It's not that hard, as long as I'm prepared. I think the nicer weather (when the state, you know, isn't on fire) will allow me to take some evening walks with the dog, or on my own. School is winding down, and I just have a few more events to prepare for (ending my graduate project, state solo/ensemble, 2 concerts, a band banquet, a yearbook distribution/signing party, final newspaper/blog....aye yai yai) and I can close the book on this semester. This very insanely busy semester.

I was going to put in a photo of a lovely flower from my garden, but I can't find my camera cord. Dang. Well, it was pink, and it was pretty. And it would have summed up this post nicely. Because it was pink, and it was pretty.

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